




  1. 应考者必须按试题顺序在答题卡(纸)指定位置上作答,答在试卷上无效。
  2. 涂写部分、画图部分必须使用2B铅笔,书写部分必须使用黑色字迹签字笔。


一、 请把下列词或词组短语翻译成汉语:本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分。

  1. abide by the contract
  • . gross domestic product(GDP)
  • ・ free trade zone
  1. endorsement
  2. foreign currency
  3. inflation rate
  4. invitation to bid
  5. memorandum
  6. protectionism
  7. turnover

二、 请把下列词或短语翻译成英语:本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分。

  1. 大宗商品
  2. 净重
  3. ,免鶴初[上三三”寻;^上|
  4. 公平竞争
  5. 年度预算
  6. 售后服务
  7. :询价壬倏事
  8. 分期付款.透;;号卖參顼佥:搭:誓三江三:
  9. 技术转让
21. access a. of two sides
22. deposit

23. bilateral

b. well-being

c. not to do something that has been arranged or decided upon

24. tariff d. difference; absence of agreement
25. welfare e. a way by which a place, exp. property, can be reached or entered or used
26. expertise

27. margin

28. cancel

f. duties imposed on goods imported and exported

g. money paid as part payment that is owed

h. the person who issues a draft, usually the exporter

29. discrepancy

30. drawer

i. expert knowledge or skill, esp. in a particular field; know-how

j. amount above what is estimated as necessary


3 L What are the major modes of the modem freight transportation system?

  • . What is tariff barriers?
  • ・ What is the best policy for China to develop business opportunities?
  1. What are the four types of multinational enterpnses?

35 ・ What are the basic feature of economic globalization?


  1. 如果投保的险别不是造成损失的直接原因,保险公司将不予赔偿。
  2. 毫无疑问,一个没有先进的运输系统的社会仍然是一个原始落后的社会。
  3. 国家从事的贸易种类是多样的、复杂的,往往是有形贸易和无形贸易的混合。
  4. 世界贸易组织的主要目的是为了促进自由贸易、进一步减少贸易壁垒并建立更有效 的贸易纠纷解决机制。
  5. 在特定条件下,提高利率可以吸引国外短期资金,提高一国的外汇汇率。
  6. 过去的几十年,地区经济一体化越来越重要。員―”
  7. 在国际贸易中进出口双方都面临风险,因为总存在对方不履约的可能。
  8. 企业投保的主要刺激是他们可以腾出更多资金,进行其他项目的投资。
  9. 在国际贸易中使用正确的单据很重要,否则进口商提货时会遇到困难。
  10. 信用证的形式、长短、语言和规定各不相同。


  1. Allowing foreign banks to enter the Chinese market will exert a positive influence on domestic banks, making Chinese banks more competitive, introducing new technology and information and providing additional funds. But in the short and no-so-long term future after foreign banks enter the Chinese market, these banks will be able to use lower prices and efficient services, including such services as telebanking, to win over a large number of customers from domestic banks, especially prized customers. This will result in a cut in the amount of funds in the hands of domestic banks. To cope with these challenges, some domestic banks will choose to partner with foreign banks.



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中国自考网 » 2022年4月自考00834英语经贸知识试题(历年真题)


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