



  1. Did he give a ______ account of what have happened?
  2. truthful B. wasteful
  3. stressful D. harmful
  4. It can kill you if you don’t notice the ______ signals.
  5. warned B. misleading
  6. warning D. fancy-sounding
  7. Then it’s time to join a relaxation class or ______ dancing, painting or gardening.
  8. take up B. take into
  9. get down D. get into
  10. By using UPC, the computer can print out the ______ price of the item.
  11. average B. accurate
  12. active D. artificial
  13. The potato chip bags weigh 75 grams ______.
  14. piece B. apiece
  15. alike D. a like
  16. Many other trains were stopping and ______ their passengers, and there were thousands of people in the station.
  17. unfolding B. unlocking
  18. unloading D. unfastening
  19. Rust ______ very quickly when iron is not protected from dampness by paint, or in some other way.
  20. makes B. comes
  21. forms D. refines
  22. —What’s wrong with him?

—He is quite ______ about his chances of getting a decent job.

  1. excited B. interested
  2. confident D. pessimistic
  3. Being away for more than a decade, he is still strongly ______ to his homeland.
  4. applied B. assorted
  5. attached D. allocated
  6. He thought he could ______ from attending the MBA program. That’s why he quit the job.
  7. benefit B. gain
  8. promote D. achieve
  9. The president ______ a plan to cut the government spending in the following year.
  10. put off B. put on
  11. put forward D. put out
  12. You are in a very ______ position to apply for this job. Have a try!
  13. comparable B. crucial
  14. exclusive D. advantageous
  15. All the speakers are required to ______ their speech to this topic.
  16. restrict B. limit
  17. refer D. confine
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