

1.He guards the sleep of his paupermaster as if he were a prince.纵然主人一贫如洗,它守护着主人的安睡就如同守护王子。

句中as if引导的从句使用了虚拟语气,所以he后面的谓语动词用了were。guard是动词,意思是“警卫;守卫;保卫”。例如:

Guard the secret with your life: tellit to no one!你要以生命来保守秘密,不要告诉任何人!

The prince sent a small force to go andguard the palace.王子派遣一支小部队去保卫宫殿。

The two stone lions guard the entrance.两只石狮子守卫着入口处。


The guard stopped him from goingthrough the gate.警卫不让他通过大门。

The man handed out his pass and showedit to the guard.那个人拿出证件出示给门卫看。


A pauper has as much a right to learnas a king.穷人和国王一样均有受教育的 权利。

2.When riches take wings and reputationfalls to pieces, he is as constant in his love as the sun in its journeythrough the heavens.当主人家财四散、名誉扫地时,它 对主人的忠诚热爱仍宛如日升日落,亘古不变。

take wings是固定搭配,意思是“飞走”。例如:

Every time we go on a holiday, ourmoney seems to take to itself wings.我们每度一次假,钱就飞也似的没了。

The love that teachers give studentscan make their hopes take wings.老师给学生的爱能够让学生们带着希望展翅飞翔。

fall to pieces是固定搭配,意思是“崩溃;倒塌;解体”。例如:

After the death of Napoleon his empirebegan to fall to pieces.拿破仑死后他的帝国开始瓦解。

He will fall to pieces if he does notstop working so hard.如果他再这样拼命千下去,身体会垮掉的。


This suit has been in constant wear fortwo years.这一套衣服已连续穿了两年。

Constant effort leads to sure success.不断努力,必定成功。



3.If fortune drives the master forth, anoutcast in the world, friendless and homeless, the faithful dog asks no higherprivilege than that of accompanying him to guard him against danger, to fightagainst his enemies.假若命运驱使,主人遭世人遗弃,举目无亲,无家可归,忠诚的狗只求陪伴在主人左右,与敌对抗,保护他不受伤害。

句中that是代词,代替前面名词 privilege,为确保在比较级中所比较的内容必须在同类事物之间进行,故常用that进行代替。例如:

The weather of Harbin is colder thanthat of Beijing.哈尔滨的天气比北京(的天气)寒冷。

The population of China is larger thanthat of any other country.中国的人口比世界上其他任何国家(的人口)都要多。


He was treated as a social outcast.他成为被社会所擦弃的人。

privilege意思是“特殊利益;优惠待遇”,常和to搭配使用,to可以用作介词,也可以用作动词不定式to do。例如:

It was a privilege to hear hersing/hearing her sing.能听她唱歌十分荣幸。

Our members have the privilege of usingthe lending service of the library.我们的 会员有享受图书馆借书服务的特权。


Jane was willing to accompany you tothe park to go out for a walk.简愿意陪你 去公园散步。

Everything will pass;onlywisdom will accompany us forever!一切都是过眼烟云,唯有智慧永远伴随我们!

4.And when the last scene of all comesand death takes its master in its embrace and the body is laid down in the coldground, no matter if all other friends pursue their way, there, by hisgraveside will the noble dog be found, his head between his paws, his eyes sadbut open in alert watchfulness faithful and true even to death.当最 后的时刻来临,死神夺去了主人的生命,尸体被埋葬在寒冷的地下,纵使所有的亲友都各奔前程,而那只高尚的狗却会独自守卫在墓旁。它仰首于两足之间,眼睛里虽然充满 悲伤,却仍机警地守护墓地,忠贞不渝,直到死亡。

no matter引导的让步状语从句中,通常用一般现在时代替一般将来时,所以主句中谓语动词用一般将来时(will be found),而从句谓语动词用pursue的一般现在时,此处if表示“是否”。主句可调整为The noble dog will be found by his graveside.形容词短语 faithful and true even to death 是主语补足语。byhis graveside是主句中的地点状语,被前置在主句的句首位置,通常引起全部倒装(主语是代词时例外)。例如:

In this room will be held an importantmeeting.=An important meeting will beheld in this room.在这个房间里将要举行一场重要的会议。

In the distance could be seen themountains.远处可以见到群山。

此处作者根据行文需要只用了局部倒装,并且把主语补足语放在了两个独立主格结构的后面(这里watchfulness和faithful之间应该用逗号隔开)。其中his head后面跟随between引导的介词短语,his eyes 后面跟随形容词短语,分别构成独立主格结构。


A crowd soon gathered at the scene ofthe accident.群众迅速聚集在事故现场。

I can imagine the scene clearly in mymind.我可以清楚地想象出那个情景。


He held her to him in a warm embrace.他热烈地拥抱她。

She held out her arms to embrace thelittle girl.她伸出双臂来拥抱那个小女孩。

The hills embrace the village.山丘环抱着村庄。


He began to pursue an easy andcomfortable life.他开始追求安逸舒适的生活。

Should people pursue their ownhappiness at the expense of others?难道人们应该为了追求自己的幸福而不惜损害他人吗?


We all have to stay alert.我们大家都必须保持警惕。

A good hunting dog is alert to everysound and movement around.一只好猎犬对四周任何响动都很警觉。

In our reading we should always bealert for idiomatic expressions.我们在阅读过程中应经常注意惯用法。

watchful由watch+后缀 —ful构成,意思是“注意的;留心的;谨慎的”,再加上后缀


Your watchfulness alone ought to beenough to make people back off.单凭你的 警惕性就足够使别人保持距离。

A due watchfulness on the movements ofthe enemy was required.要对敌人的行动保持相当警惕。

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