
课程名称:英语听译 课程代码:80065 2018年7月版

About 100 people are now known to have died in what has been described as “the worst storm” ever to hit the eastern US this century. The hurricane-force winds first struck the Gulf of Mexico and have now spread across the Canadian border, continuing to bring reckless snowfalls, severe flooding, and causing millions of dollars in damage. All major airports have now reopened and airlines are beginning to cope with a backlog of thousands of stranded passengers. The storm also paralyzed areas of Cuba, where several people were killed, and property and crops destroyed.
Q: 1)Where did the storms first strike?
2)The storms have resulted in the following EXCEPT _______?
1) Where did the storms first strike?
A. The eastern US
B. The Gulf of Mexico
C. The Canadian border
D. Some areas in Cuba
2) The storms have resulted in the following EXCEPT _______?
A. death and damage
B. disruption of air service
C. destruction of crops
D. relocation of people
Directions: In this part, you will hear a passage TWICE. Fill in each blank with ONE word or number according to what you hear. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.


In the United States of America, a complex educational system exists. It is designed to provide academic skills to its residents. People living in the U.S. can begin their education as early as the age of three, and continue their academic careers well into adulthood. How long someone goes to school varies greatly from individual to individual. It all depends on what individuals want from the educational system and life in general. Some people are satisfied with achieving a high school diploma, while others strive for higher education. By the time children reach the age of three, parents will often enroll them into preschool. Some schools offer classes for children who are as young as two, but three is usually the youngest age children begin their education. After preschool comes kindergarten to 6th grade in the public school system. The 6thgrade is the last year of elementary school. Once a child has completed elementary school, he or she will be enrolled into high school, which is from Grade 9 through 12. When students reach the 12th grade, they have completed their required education. Beyond the 12th grade, furthering your education is optional. At college level in California, the state offers three options to continue your academic career. They are the Community College system, the California State University system, and the University of California system. Where a student enrolls depends on the student and what that student’s goals are. These are the choices students have for their education. However, there is another choice available, which is a private school. Private schools operate much like public schools with some differences. It is important to look into all your options to see what the best options for you are.
In the United States of America, a complex 1. system exists. It is designed to provide 2. skills to its residents. People living in the U.S. can begin their education as early as the age of three, and continue their academic careers well into 3. . How long someone goes to school 4. greatly from individual to individual. It all depends on what individuals want from the educational system and life in 5. . Some people are satisfied with achieving a high school diploma, while others 6. for higher education. By the time children reach the age of three, parents will often 7. them into preschool. Some schools offer classes for children who are as young as two, but three is usually the 8. age children begin their education. After preschool comes 9. to 6th grade in the public school system. The 6thgrade is the last year of 10. school. Once a child has completed 11. school, he or she will be enrolled into high school, which is from Grade 9 through 12. When students reach the 12th grade, they have completed their 12. education. 13. the 12th grade, furthering your education is optional. At college level in California, the state offers three options to continue your 14. career. They are the15. __ College system, the California State University system, and the University of California system. Where a student 16.________ on the student and what that student’s 17_______ are. These are the students have for their education. However, there is another choice 18._ , which is a private school. 19. schools operate much like public schools with some differences. It is important to look into all your 20. to see what the best options for you are.





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