
课程名称:艺术专业英语 (2009年1月版) 课程代码:1085
课程名称:艺术专业英语 课程代码:1085



1.You should be able to tell the meaning of this word from its ______________.
A.compaby B. Conclusion C. Context D. Communication
2. The doctor took my temperature and _________ to my heart.
A. listens B. Will listen C. Listened D. Has listened
A . friend of mine had an aunt who couldn’t get on well with others and was quite forgetful. She had begun to use a flower jar to hide money in. Each time she wanted some money; she lifted the plant out of the jar with one hand and put the other hand in to get the money. The coin (硬币)were all kept together in one plastic bag and the notes (纸币)were in another. One day she went off on holiday, but she forgot to tell the neighbor who came in every day to water the plants in the jar with the money. You probably won’t have any trouble to guess what would happen. When she came back, the first thing she did was to go and look at her favorite plant. To her horror, it was no longer there. She ran to the next door and rang the bell so loudly; her neighbor thought the house must be on fire. “Where′ s my plant?”she shouted the moment the door opened. Her neighbor got quite shaking. “Plant? What are you……?”She started to say before she interrupted (打断……的话). “What have you done with my plant?”“Oh, that one,”the neighbor said, “It died. I threw it out!”
1. The aunt put her money in_____________.
A. the house B. two flower jars
C. two plastic bags D. a plastic bag in a flower jar
2. What had happened when she came back from holiday?
A. The house had been on fire.
B. The flower hadn’t died.
C. The flower jars had been thrown away.
D. The flower jar with the money had been thrown away.
3. Which of the following statements is true?
A. The aunt was very kind and friendly.
B. Her flower jar with money was stole.
C. Her neighbor was quite kind and friendly.
D. She didn’t go off for her holiday.
4. What’s the writer′s attitude towards the question?
A. The writer was on the neighbor′s side.
B. The writer was on the aunt′s side.
C. The writer was against the neighbor.
D. The writer thought the aunt had found a good idea.
5. The story tells_______________.
A. a good way for keeping money
B. we′d better keep money at home
C. we should learn from the aunt
D. not to ask for trouble as the aunt did



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