

  1. Using coordination:

There are many modern communication methods available today. The traditional business letters remain an important means of sending printed messages.

  1. Using subordination:

He lay there. It seems that he was shot dead.

  1. Using transferred negation:

I believe Jill has not finished her work.

  1. Adding a suitable tag:

I don’t think he is the right person for the position.

  1. Using discontinuity:

The days when he could boss me around are gone.

  1. Using inversion:

I have never seen a greater, or more beautiful, or a calmer or more noble thing than you.

  1. Answer the following question on the ANSWER SHEET. (4%xl=4% )
  2. Please list three ways possession can be expressed. Then give an example fbr each.
  3. Define the following terms with examples on the ANSWER SHEET. (3%x2=6% )
  4. coordination
  5. predictive meaning


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