

每小题满分为 20 分,具体标准如下:
1.意义准确、完整,无语法、拼写错误者 20 分。
2.文句通顺,语言基本准确,结构层次比较清楚者 16 分。
3.文句大体通顺,语言有一些错误,结构层次大体清楚者 12 分。
4.文句不太通顺,语言有较多错误,结构不完整者 8 分。
5.文句不通,语言错误多,结构较混乱者 4 分。
6.完全文不对题,文理不通者 0 分。
61. Have you ever watched a clumsy man hammering a nail into a box? He hits it first to one
side, then to another, perhaps knocking it over completely, so that in the end he only gets half of it
into the wood. A skilful carpenter, on the other hand, will drive home the nail with a few firm, deft
blows, hitting it each time squarely on the head. So with language; the good craftsman will choose
words that drive home his point firmly and exact1y. A word that is more or less right, a loose
phrase, an ambiguous expression, a vague adjective, will not satisfy a writer who aims at clean
English. He will try always to get the word that is completely right for his purpose.
62. A gifted American psychologist has said, “Worry is a spasm of the emotion; the mind
catches hold of something and will not let it go.” It is useless to argue with the mind in this
condition. The stronger the will, the more futile the task. One can only gently insinuate something
else into its convulsive grasp. And if this something else is rightly chosen, if it is really attended
by the illumination of another field of interest, gradually, and often quite swiftly, the old undue
grip relaxes and the process of recuperation and repair begins.







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