





  1. 本试卷分为两部分,第一部分为选择题,第二部分为非选择题。
  2. 应考者必须按试题顺序在答题卡(纸)指定位置上作答,答在试卷上无效。
  3. 涂写部分、画图部分必须使用2B铅笔,书写部分必须使用黑色字迹签字笔。



  1. Choose the best answer from the choices given and blacken the corresponding letter A, B,CorD on the ANSWER SHEET. (1 %x20=20%
  2. Elementary school authorities should reduce the pupils* homework load to ensure that they have a childhood.
  3. carefree B. careful C. careless D. care
  4. The most impressive furniture in his office is a chair.
  5. huge comfortable leather B. comfortable leather huge
  6. leather comfortable huge D. leather huge comfortable
  7. Each family asked to plant a tree before summer came.
  8. were B. was C. are D. is

By the end of the last term, they  all their course work.

  1. have completed B. had completed C. complete D. are completing

My best friend . . to meet me when 1 arrived at Hongqiao Airport.

  1. comes B. has come C. came D. come

I am cycling to work because my car  last week.

  1. had been stolen B. was stolen C. is stolen D. stole

He asked if he leave the office half an hour earlier that afternoon. 

  1. can B. shall C. would D. might

They  lost, or they should have arrived yesterday.

  1. may get B. should get C. might have got D. should have got

The best way  with him is not to give an inch. If you do, he* 11 take a foot.

  1. dealing B. to deal C. deal D. dealt

He tried  a new microphone and was able to make himself  

  1. using, hearing B. to use, to hear C. using, heard

You may have  fresh water as you like from here.

  1. as much B. too much C. much

Fill in the blanks on the ANSWER SHEET with one of the items given.


make, makes, is making; was, is, has been

Superb systems of communications by air, sea and land visit each other’s countries at a moderate cost. What   now within everybody’s grasp.

placed, place, places;personal, person^, persons

Most Americans believe that schools should be where young people can grow   in body, mind, and spirit. Athletics, clubs, social events, and creative arts are part of each   education.

  1. in, on, at; That, What, It

A “gap year” can refer to any time spent away from work or school  pursuit of an interest or a dream.   ____ makes a gap year different from vacation is that a person is involved in some kind of constructive activity.

  1. Some, It, Any; was, are, is

  thought that this new custom will remain unchanged  ridiculous.

  1. saw, seen, were seen; when, that, who

Flight has been the dream of humankind since birds  in the sky. But it wasn’t until the 1780s  two Frenchmen flew in a hot balloon near Paris. After that, powered flight became the goal.

  1. hither, neither, either; on, to, for

Why are young smokers so important to tobacco merchants? Because millions of adult smokers  kick their habit or die each year, and the cigarette industry depends on attracting new customers  its living.

  1. far, under, against; finance, financed, financial

Schooling should be equal and open to all. No one should be discriminated   because of race, religion or  status.

  1. red, yellow, blue; to, with, through

When a new idea comes to you out of the  , it5s because you have already thought  the process unconsciously.

  1. requesting, to request, request; to, as, than

If you politely  that someone not smoke, you are more likely to receive a cooperative response  if you scowl fiercely and hurl insults.

  1. is found, finds, will find; meaning, mean, means

If a solution   , advertisers will have yet another   of persuading consumers to purchase their products.

III. Fill in the blanks on the ANSWER SHEET with an item as required/ 1%x20=20% )

  1. With a determiner:

With two weeks’ heavy rain in March, the  village was flooded.

  1. With a determiner:

Only two candidates applied for this position, but unfortunately  of them was qualified.

  1. With a determiner:

The young man has been working hard since graduation from college; he is always cherishing the dream of owning  Benz in his thirties.

  1. With a modal auxiliary:

He   ____ have had a very good review of the class notes, or he couldn’t have got such a high score in the final exam.

  1. With a modal auxiliary:

When he was a little kid, he  turn to his father for help whenever he had a problem.

  1. With a preposition:

She had no knack for saying the right thing  the right time.

  1. With a preposition:

The mother told her daughter not to sing loudly at night  fear of disturbing the neighbors.

  1. With a preposition:

The speaker concluded his speech  a poem by a famous English poet.

  1. With a relative pronoun or a relative adverb:

His latest film contained little  was new or startling, and it proved a failure.

  1. With a relative pronoun or a relative adverb:

Personal space,  enables one to feel at ease in public, varies from culture to culture.

  1. With a relative pronoun or a relative adverb:

Ten years later the couple returned to the place  they first met and felt the whole thing was like a dream.

  1. With a relative pronoun or a relative adverb:

The meat industry is a major source of green-house gases which is often ignored but   effects on the atmosphere have already been made clear.

  1. With a coordinator:

Today in some remote areas of the world, people don’t learn foreign languages. They cannot speak English  French.

  1. With a coordinator:

I’m telling you all that 1 want this job finished within two hours,  I really mean it.

  1. With a subordinator:

After two months5 internship in the company, the college graduate couldn’t decide   he should stay at the job or find something else to do.

  1. With a subordinator:

The new school was constructed  the old factory building had been pulled down.

  1. With a tag:

I don5t think he is eligible for the scholarship,  ?

‘ 48. With a tag: . – • •

He is an extremely introverted person. He hardly ever hangs out with friends, ‘

  1. With a tag:

I’m not very sure, but Mr. Zhang may be the best teacher in our school,  ?;

  1. With a tag:

One month has passed, and he must have already got the result of the exam, ?

  1. Rewrite the following sentences as required on the ANSWER SHEET. (2%x15=30%)
  2. Using passive voice:

The workers are redecorating the house at the moment.

  1. Using passive voice:

You made such a terrible mess of my house.

  1. Using a modal auxiliary:

Pm very eager to tell them the good news. :

  1. Using a modal auxiliary:

He regretted not having taken his father’s advice.

  1. Using a non-finite verb form:

She went back to Canada so that she could stay with her parents for the Christmas.

  1. Using a non-finite verb form:

Several people reported that they heard her cry fbr help.

  1. Using complex propositions:

He didn’t go to Suzhou. Instead, he went to Hangzhou.

  1. Using a disjunct:

It is more important that the governirient should take measures to deal with air pollution.

  1. Using a relative clause:

Tidy answers give us a feeling of security. We are looking fbr these tidy answers.:

  1. Using a relative clause:

The house standing on the bank of the river is my home.

  1. Using subordination:

The Indians believe that everything has a spirit. They firmly hold the belief.

  1. Using coordination:

We had intended to come and see you. It rained.

  1. Using exclamation:

He made a very boring speech this afternoon.

  1. Using postponement:

The duke gave my uncle the teapot.

  1. Using discontinuity:

At the news, he was so excited that he couldn’t utter a word.

V Answer the following questions on the ANSWER SHEET. (4%xl=4%)

  1. What is special about the past perfect in its hypothetical use? And how is it used? Give at least one example for each use.
  2. Define the following terms with examples on the ANSWER SHEET .(3%x2=6%)
  3. blending
  4. fronting


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中国自考网 » 2022年4月自考00831英语语法试题(历年真题)


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